Benvenuti nel mediterraneo del 23° secolo, benvenuti in ciò che rimane del Regno dell'Uomo. Immergetevi nell'atmosfera cupa del Terzo Impero Mediterraneo: sperimentate l'opprimente società nata dalle ceneri della vecchia, distrutta dall'arrivo della magia. Trovate il vostro posto in un mondo in cui l'occulto è temuto e proibito, eppure subdolamente presente. Cercate di sopravvivere alle faide fra le famiglie aristoi e alla spietata competizione per il monopolio commerciale delle corporazioni. Lasciate la vostra impronta su un mondo ampio a sfaccettato, dalle torri e gli slum delle più grandi città ai territori alla periferia dell'impero che devono combattere per la sopravvivenza!

The origin of the name Aegis Aurea


In the manual the only reference to the term golden age refers to the period before the fall of man. The first thought is that the title of the setting is related to that period. Actually this name derives from the conflict at the heart of the setting: the magic is a force that can be controlled by men, or it is intended to abusarla and destroy himself.

The Empire has decided to banish the magic, in that case before the fall. It is found though forced to train people capable of using it to deal with magic and criminals to external forces. If on the one hand this was the origin of its expansion, the other could be the seed of its own destruction. Some think the magic in all its forms, both alien to humans and that its use leads to chaos. Other, more optimistic, thinking that man has learned his lesson and can re-create the golden age with greater safety. Others are happy to be in this intermediate state, where only a few are able to use magic and hold enormous power over all others.

The question at the heart of Aegis Aurea: golden age was that short of unconsciousness in which the man was large, and it is not going to be repeated ever again, or you will come to a real golden age, glorious and without end. The Aegis is terminated or is yet to come? The empire grew with the shadow of the past era, honouring her, but is retracing steps en route to greatness. At the same time, from several thousand parts its scricchilano bases.

The provinces and protectorates are getting agitated, there is a dramatic social division and despite all efforts of the magic Empire is increasingly widespread, if not as many magicians, as number of creatures. The Russian Horde shake to the East, and in Africa will begin to tell stories of a second invasion from the South.

And the fear, you know, create real monsters. Personally I have in mind the future of the world, I don't have an answer to this question.

Look to see where the story will go.

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